shucking peas
alone –
the whole world
in your hands
shucking peas
alone –
the whole world
in your hands
to bed
with Jesus
on my breath –
kiss and live
left behind
in shapes of regret –
where is peace
for fighters who do not fight
daisies and chicory
along side –
east/west highways know
more than one way
no broken clouds
for your gunmetal sky
heaven's long goodbye
never arriving
our wordless meeting
gazing at primitive light –
Michigan moon
marigold morning
bent long over dirt
my hibiscus mouth
spilling the ecstatic heart
given to break the fast
tall grasses
brushing lowered palms
on our way to stream and stone
we know the erasure
of gathered things
a sea carried
not so unlike my own
between freckled shoulders
and breasts –
her violate shrine
eating searchlights
before God and the world
are not two
Morning light soft, of mellow golds
Our unbound voice of immediacy –
Grasp no more
Lay stories aside
Verily, verily, light fills.
To be reminded of love is forget the abyss
Rotting ladders of words
Yet we rise
Always safe
Sacraments, a fiction indeed!
A daffodil nods before the others
The salvation we bring
Lush days do the healing
Once there was you
Always you
Who summons me to drink
Who gives the infinite bread
Old ways crucified
Alabaster jar
Turning once more
Blossoms, bards for April
A rainbow's Whole of Love
Glorified at last
Two become One
As horizons disappear
the pristine sea
of your name
every era
through every
ancient womb
our blue hills
of knowing
our spring zephyrs
drawn into wintering
yet now
my image succumbed
to death as advisor
our wilderness
overgrown and full
of briars
your light, my sun
angled for winter
and deep sleep …
I brook no rival to you
not even the sun
and yet
we are imperiled
by leaden skies
will this black gale
how will the moon
engorge itself
on love
and yet
as eternal as
our unbounded sea
your name
banded around
my heart
your gaze
a refining fire
for heaven's sake
your rivulets
pooling under
the gateway home
let us not turn
from the tidal wave
of the open sea
I see you
not in this world
but over moon
beyond stars
yet enrapt
and just before turning
into white nothingness
I see you ending
it all at once
still falling
leaves –
this cold light
our roots
and river
into October
skinny paths
and wide-open fields
of fading light –
distance yawns
as we now shelter
under separate
what of us
kept in the pulp
of trees
and what of sawdust
in the wind
how busy we have been
naming timber
frost warning
too soon –
hunger for wood
and sleep
our deep waters
sun rising
wrists open
all the way
left over moon –
thank you
for breakfast
lemon balm –
comfortably seated
in a kiss
what can never be
left or lost
a helpless sentence
burned at both ends
and here, my smokey hands