Who We Try to Forget


Recently I read about Pando, a place of over 40,000 trunks of the “Quaking Aspen Tree,” spanning 108 acres in Fish Lake National Forest, Utah. Roughly 6 inches below the surface, this clonal forest shares the same root ball. When testing the DNA of individual trees, it was found to be exactly the same tree.

Even for us, as perceived individuals, there is a deep unity below the surface – an existence of pure potentiality and possibility, which is the generator of the diversity we use as a framework in our lives.

Before imprisoning ourselves on a plateau of form (manifesting as individuation) we exist as the formless Whole, or Source, or Love. When we empty and let go of our idea of form, we are free to exist, taste, and know a state of Awareness. We remember who We Are.

The Whole is formless and yet, it is the source of all form. It is full of every possibility and is the generator of diversity. This plane of possibility exists before, during and after form. When we empty of form or pour out all that we think we are, we align ourselves with the plane of possibility – with Source – with Cosmos – with Love.


With every step I take, I am as the quaking leaves of Aspen. When I see my neighbor hurting or experience their rudeness, I am looking upon an appendage – a trunk or stem emanating from my very Being. When the earth is disregarded, desecrated, and stripped of its true worth, it is a part of me which is cut down or abused, which is to say, it happens to us all.

I believe our collective psychosis in this era of time is a manifestation of how we are failing to drink from or even acknowledge the fountain of Awareness. We have forgotten who we are under the surface.

We have forgotten how to love other as our self.