The Enemy is not the Enemy

Lightening from the anvil of storms.

I write letters that are never sent. It's a process; an ego check; a way to reach for the bottom.

Studying the interplay of two polarities calling forth a third. This additional force added to a binary system can be a mediating or reconciling principle. Interwoven, dancing, falling together – the trinity can create a fourth principle, in another realm. This is true. I've seen it. And while the thinking mind will never quite make sense of it, perhaps another look at the Trinity will shed some light. This is what we are doing here. This is what we do next.

Three tumbling beams of light uniting as a process instead of an acranum to worship. There is a time to move beyond archetypes and binary opposites. The “enemy” is never the enemy but instead, he is what is given for the deepening, widening allowance of another essence.

New arises from old. Components bear offspring. We can live beyond the opposites. Oh my beloved, you who writes straight with crooked lines! Perhaps it is time to midwife the other way.

I am where I have always been.
