An Invitation

Earth's suffering is related to the feminine body's sanctification or lack thereof.

The masculine God has been an operating force in a separate realm – somewhere like heaven or within the forces unseen or deeply unknowable – disembodied – transcendent.

Meanwhile in the womb of women, wholeness of life has been kept like small flame, tended by We who have been suppressed and oppressed, waiting for night to pass. We've given our own body and blood to that which will be born.

Because of our bodies, the feminine knows suffering, and through our abuse, we know separation. Through these bodies, we long for the reunion with the masculine in supreme equality, together, unafraid, naked in darkness AND light.

This is the bridge we are all meant to be building – the connection and bond between Masculine and Feminine.

The masculine will need to become vulnerable and brave in order to endure the justified wrath and consequences of his hostages kept all this time. The feminine will need to remember and believe in Her gifts of awareness of mystery, relationship patterns, and direct access to Soul.

I think, without the union of masculine and feminine, nothing new will be born. Our existence will repeat patterns of the past and the earth Herself will continue to express disease, disrepair and death.

Can you endure my anger and pain from past abuses? Can you enter the reckoning and reconciliation for the sake of universal Oneness and true Love? Maybe then, the feminine will no longer feel the urge to project their hurt and anger unto the masculine. And maybe then, the masculine will no longer feel the need to keep safely distanced from the fires and flow of the feminine force.

In my sincerity to work through personal problems or the world's problems, I have come realize, perhaps they are not all MY problems. In fact, believing in my own power to overcome, nurture and fix has actually been a hindrance to understanding the work absolutely needed to be done by the masculine.

We women know at a cellular level that the physical and spiritual worlds can never be separate; we tend a deep, living knowledge of the feminine nature of the soul's relationship with God; we nurture the wisdom of receptivity and of holding a scared space, both with our bodies through childbearing but also, through the actual movement of our bodies through space and time in relation to others; we can hear the cries of the earth and her creatures, and we know there is a better way.

It is women who can heal the world, but we must first forgive the masculine, let the anger go, and believe in our sacred abilities to know, hear and heal. Men, are you willing to protect us in this work, step into this shared space of healing power, and start again?