Lights, Lasers and Inflatables

In the dream, bodies instead of thoughts separate us from one another. We identify ourselves by the thoughts we agree with about ourselves. The thoughts we don't agree with, we reject or discount, labeling them as belonging to someone else. My experience of Jessica shifts everyday according to my choices. I limit myself and can see this by looking at how my self-image may change from day to day.

What I see of the other is but a personal creation stemming from a composite of thought frequencies. I see the perceptions of an other's world manifested in their thoughts.

Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Buddha were One with Source and saw the same Self in all – men, women, leper, beggar, prostitute and priest. If I walked around doing all the things they did, I still wouldn't become them. Yet, if my thoughts merged with their thoughts, whoever it is I am would merge into the Cosmic Mind.

“May the mind be in you that is in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5)

The only reason we do not experience this state of fullness is because we have severed ourselves from unconditionally loving both ourselves and everyone around us; we have detached our thoughts from the thoughts of Love.

On our walk, Kora disappears under a giant hemlock. A breeze blows open my jacket and the cool-down is not unwelcome. We pass houses and lawns decorated in Christmas chaos – lights, lasers and inflatables. My non-judgment work is still everywhere. I have the power to change everything with my mind, ushering heaven by experiencing the One.

No doors – no deep turtle layers – no maps or trails.

There is only a call for inclusion and love, a way of seeing the mundane as miraculous, a final understanding that the love you feel in any manifestation is you.

Maybe instead of flashing lights and pine-scented candles for Christmas, let's own the idea that it is only our own thoughts that ever keep us separated or alone.