Filling Empty Bowls
/Impressions of dawn are barely detected through solid gray. A few less pine trees means less green to subdue winter blues. Squirrels dig at their leisure without the hindrance of deep snow. I haven't seen a cardinal in a few weeks; maybe less green means less red. In this larger space, I consider how bodies hinder true intimacy. Yet, it is within the structure of bodies that we transcend what we think we know.
A skiff of snow covers the roof and collects like alms in October's empty bowls. M. calls to invite me on a road trip.
See a medium, get a drink, go to a plant store near the capitol.
We discuss MDMA, cannabis and psilocybin as a therapeutic modality. Together we dream aloud about how to partner in healing.
Another beautiful woman reaches out with this quote:
“Everything is a challenge. You have to answer challenge with creative effort. That's all you can do.” — Isamu Noguchi, Japanese-American artist, sculptor, designer, landscape architect (1904-1988)
At this age, these people. How did my life become so rich? Take me closer to the bone, beloved lantern!
Turn up the sub.
I am ready.