Dream It

Waking to dense fog, semi-trucks shifting on I-80, the sounds of hotel doors slamming. Heading east always becomes a temptation – to keep driving, to “fuck around and find out,” to live life differently. Yet, in the calm of mediation, fantasy does what it does best: disappears.

Well that's not the truth exactly.

Where is my collaborator – the lion who challenges the challenges and questions the questioners? Where is my dreamer who says, “Go ahead. Dream it. Break the norm and challenge the status quo.” Perhaps wisdom lies with the lamb and not the lion. Perhaps peace is the only answer we have left.


Body pain flares, recedes and flares again. I'm tired of pain as a teacher and have only myself to blame for not learning the lesson. My spiritual path becomes crystal clear – like prismatic- snowflakes-falling-onto-fresh-snow clear. My body will melt away one day, yet I will continue in every moment. If I think I am only this body, then I haven't seen me. I can already see myself in others. Do you see me too?


On to Pennsylvania. We will split a bottom level apartment for a few days as we sew together our sisterhood. I asked her if she brought coffee grounds and she says, “what are we even doing here if we don't have coffee?”