Flower Sequence

“Inflorescence” – the order in which flowers bloom on a stem.

Do you know our flower sequence? On the surface it may seem that we bloom(ed) from top to bottom, limited by constraints of historical DNA, or by the world's ability to label everything as “this” or “that.” May I suggest that in truth we are in the act of blooming from bottom to top; unlimited in presentation; an energy of what seems concrete and logical towards abstract; secular to sacred. In our search for what we are, we keep forgetting to allow.

I have done the work. I have slept in the soft cool muck at the bottom of the depths. I have both learned and unlearned a few things. Veritas veritatum.

I am no longer dragging words or poems through myself; instead I am watching them flow through me. And in watching the words, all the words, I see that they give voice to us, as opposed to us giving voice to the words. And these words give voice to that which cannot be spoken.

At some point along the way, this became “wrong” or incorrect or immoral or... ?

When one watches and waits, what does one see? What path does poetry make for the flow of words? I have come to believe it is our job to make naked contact with the language. So yeah, write everyday. Allow.

And in doing so, those of us who write, we will see and find the truth indiscriminate inflorescence. The truth of us.