Baez Wanted More

For the first time in our history, I am not awake when he returns from the airport.

Guthrie, Seeger, Dylan – a moment when there was something to say. Shamans sigh from another time zone, a few eras back. Serious consciousness, purely unveiled. Yet Baez wanted more and said so.

Glorious summer mornings, despite all proper appreciation and gratitude, cannot remain. Karmic lessons about partners and the perceived other. What am I missing here – asked and answered.

Squared, dead soft, 20 gauge copper wire to hold the most delicate of stones. Securing an idol I don't mind wearing until the death means I may have turned into a jewelry maker.

Suffering means clinging is involved.

A bee sting changes my momentum and the gulping of a cornflower sky must wait.

Intellect at play. A subsystem that must bow to the meta system.

What depth does my light allow? She visited Neptune's Cave, found her way out to Afghanistan and had to ask, where can one stand in awareness?

Who dies when you cannot bear the unbearable? I know the answer because I was made for such a time as this.

The process of life, deepening being.

Mother, help us all look into the eyes of those close to the earth that we may know the grace of suffering as a gift.