Unexplored Arteries

Studying maps of campus as if my life depended on it. Maybe some things seem manageable if one has certain minimal bearings.

The heat is noteworthy.

Staring out the window I watch a rabbit watching me. Beckett's clothes are piled on the couch waiting to be put in the oversized duffel. His room empties and Lexi's is already bare.

Strawberries still surprise me in the morning.

edible summer
our red life

A late batch of fledgling robins picks through debris beneath the evergreen bush. I haven't taken notes from reading in a long time. This and other ways I do not know what I am doing. Beck crawls into my bed and pulls the blankets up around his neck – his last day here and it hurts. Sometimes we take a path that we do not like and call it “normal” or insist that we are “doing hard things.” In all my infinite lines of questioning, how did I never question that?

Masai beads
around my ankle
unexplored arteries

Yes, I follow the cricket, the grasshopper and the butterfly. I fall in love and write about it and talk about it to the stars before accepting sleep. Good God . . . always tell me the truth.