I've Got the Moves

Let's be honest.
I probably fell
in love a little bit.

I can't help
it when someone proves
they've seen the thing.

It's not
about attention
or gaze.

It's not
about mommy or daddy
issues, or power and sex.

That would require
a body and we all know
naked minds is where it's at.

No – we touched
gin colored waters
far from the surface.

We heard
ancient hymns called back
from oblivion.

I think
we were just we –
beginning and end.


When minds meet at that ineffable place, ego burns beyond ash to no thing. No we. No listening to strings while getting high. No “in sickness or health.” No quantum physics or eco-spirituality dialogue until 4 in the morning.

But then, so what?

Late August sun drops into Lake Michigan like a stone. Tail lights headed south. Another close encounter reminds me that I have been dancing this dance one hundred million times. It's not about passing or failing the lesson; it's about finding out how many times I'm going to play by every one else's rules.

At least one more time, it seems.