The Old Bait and Switch

Hanging rainbows on spider thread for love's sake.

After rain, moss on the oaks becomes more verdant. A daughter hears her mom say that things would go down differently if one was to do it again, and a mom hears her daughter say that she can totally see that. And yet, the course is not this way or that; it simply is. Though maps no longer speak, Magnetic North still gives all the guidance one needs.

Behind closed doors, what would we do first? What would last; who would linger?
Let me kneel in order to bring balance to the universe. Then you.

Skin providing the shelter and the wanting. A warm mouth gaping. The rise and fall of mountains.

Until Genesis, the serpent was a symbol of reincarnation and renewal. Ouroboros signaled the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, which were seated in the heart of the Goddess's power. With the Eden story, a new narrative became the old bait and switch, mutilating and exploiting the Earth Mother's body in the process until this very day.

What has been suppressed since then will rise, my love. I wish I may, I wish I might have you inside me on that night.

The deepest truth is impossible to confess. Yet here I am speaking for the waves of woman. Hear ye, hear ye!