Sooner than Desired

Screech owls whinny into lavender mist. Cricket pulses are out of cadence with one another and yet, perfection rises. Acorns pelt the roof at unexpected times and in these ways one knows summer must give way sooner than desired.

How we understand each other in our in-most heart. How sweet that fragrance! How luscious those words!

from loving
to being

I no longer feed sorrow and loneliness to the hungry ghosts that show up at my table.

Lover and Beloved merged. Your key unlocks the place where love lives. In love with you or in love with love? Personal pronouns must expire! How glorious this sunlight! How beautiful this meeting of lovers living in love.

Method vs. essence?

Rest in the love because it no longer needs. We can celebrate!

Zucchini breads: lemon, blueberry, chocolate and plain.

But sweetheart, something like: I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours. Dylan knows it all.