/pussy willows
on a frosted trail
warming love's breath soft
on my neck –
distant discourse
a Passion story
babbles from the brook
pussy willows
on a frosted trail
warming love's breath soft
on my neck –
distant discourse
a Passion story
babbles from the brook
great blue heron
hunting silence
in light rains
tree shadows
poking night
I lessen
in the pink moon
flowing downriver
no lover
or sea to join
simply pools of dawn
poems half alive
like a clutch of flowers –
I remember you
read to me once
and it felt real
spring crocus –
inverted umbrellas
elevate leaf litter
how clear
how sweet
to begin
and the weight
of dawn –
morning breezes
ruffle my feathers
red-headed woodpeckers
on wooded stage
Spring's ache vibrates
nameless leaves
on the way
waiting on blooms
creeks mutter and declare
everything alive –
water's voice carries
grace notes to the sea
early violets
hinting ancient sutras –
I become a sparrow
at the well
to thirst or wish
spring pulsing –
old river overflows
loose banks
and warblers sing
new hallelujahs
love moves
like falling petals
reflective pools gathering
what cannot be held
here and not
sun reviving
dried wildflowers
and dawn embraced
by blurry moons
clouds uproot in the breeze
joyful rains
give more than we
can take at times
so the resigned inclination
to become wells
through petals —
my native
winter perishing –
rain makes certain sounds
on oak and pine
changing who I think
I am
Michigan pine —
this land unfolding
validity of horizons
sap and wounds
stigmata of regret
dawn side of trees
limned as an excessive gift
like birded throats and summer
fern shade canted
towards what if
ancient ways
making ourselves
new again
yet I am nothing
apart from everything
under the soffit
old wood tender
in sunlight
bees settle there
creating honey
even in the rain
I have never shot
a gun but I've been scared
enough to want to shoot
a gun and maybe that is why
war is everywhere
tall pines
above chimneys
I could have been with you
here or there and now
younger me –
I thought zen
would replace fire by now
I was so beautiful
those days
moonlight exposes
nothing at the bottom
of the well –
we drank too much
as Sons of God
lentils soaking
vegetables roast
Coltrane turns
a vintage kind of way
accidental Sunday
Irish whiskey
and us all melody
without chords –
winter steals color
as we choose what to see